Nr. | Filename | Date | Size | Downloads | Description |
451 | class.os2 | 28-03-1993 | 1 Kb. | 47 | Token-Ring Problem Isolation Class: OS/2 Advance d. This course provides skills necessary to isolate and identify problems with LAN station failures, particularly connectivity failures, although other problems are also discussed. |
452 | cm2111.ann | 19-06-1994 | 3 Kb. | 42 | CM/2 1.11 Announces GA in USA. This is a copy of the FLASH that went out to announce CM/2 1.11 upgrade from CM/2 1.1. The file contains a list of the enhancements to CM/2 1.1. |
453 | | 28-03-1993 | 30 Kb. | 6 | CM/2 V1.0 Announcement Letter. Announcement letter for Communications Manager/2 Version 1.0. |
454 | | 28-03-1993 | 1 Kb. | 6 | Immediate availability announcement of Communica tions Manager/2 Ver. 1.0 |
455 | | 28-03-1993 | 1 Kb. | 6 | Communications Manager Client Server/2 Beta Test. The follow-on product to CM/2, Communicati ons Manager Client Server/2, is available for Beta Test now. A description of the product and info about signing up for the beta follows. |
456 | cobb.txt | 18-05-1992 | 1 Kb. | 51 | Information about "Inside OS/2" from the Cobb Group. |
457 | colann.peg | 26-02-1995 | 1 Kb. | 34 | COL Systems Inc. announcement of withdrawel of Pegasus Resource Monitor Version 2.0. Uploade d by COL. |
458 | colann.rm2 | 26-02-1995 | 2 Kb. | 48 | COL Systems Inc. announcement of the Osrm2(tm) Lite Performance Monitoring Systems with Multi- User Performance Interface (MUPI) |
459 | combine.txt | 18-12-1995 | 3 Kb. | 51 | Press release announcing consolidation of Miller Freeman's OS/2-related resources, including OS/2 Magazine and OS/2 Developer, into MFI's Software Development Division, and the merging of the two publications as of January 1996. |
460 | cominvit.txt | 03-11-1993 | 4 Kb. | 41 | Las Vegas OS/2 Users Group invitation to Global OS/2 User Group Meeting at Comdex |