File index of OS2SWBBS: Text Files - Announcements page 31

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
301 10-11-1996 1 Kb. 6
Announcement: IBM Comm Server for Warp Upgrade
302 396193.ann 17-11-1996 0 Kb. 69
Announcement: OS/2 Warp Server v.4 Use-Based
303 03-03-1997 0 Kb. 5
Announcement: Price Chg: Warp Server Use-Based
304 397074.ann 28-06-1997 0 Kb. 56
Announcement: Price Changes: IBM BookManager
BookServer for OS/2 
305 397135.ann 19-08-1997 7 Kb. 55
Announcement: NetFinity Server Version 4.0 Avail
able to OS/2 Warp Server Users 
306 397143.ann 31-08-1997 17 Kb. 57
Announcement:In recognition of customers' need
for well-planned and reliable rollouts of their
solutions, IBM is extending service and support
for OS/2 (R) Warp 4 and the OS/2 Warp Server
family until December 31, 2000. 
307 397145.ann 31-08-1997 15 Kb. 46
Announcement: Today, IBM announces increases
in one-time charges (OTC) and software advantage
upgrade protection charges for OS/2 (R) Warp
and OS/2 Warp Server Version 4.  The new prices
are effective January 1, 1998. 
308 397146.ann 31-08-1997 2 Kb. 52
Announcement: Today, IBM announces increases
in software advantage upgrade protection charges
for OS/2 (R) Warp Server.  The new prices are
effective October 1, 1997. 
309 397153.ann 21-09-1997 6 Kb. 55
Announcement: IBM WorkSpace On-Demand Promotion 
310 397154.ann 21-09-1997 5 Kb. 41
Announcement: Price Changes: IBM Communications
Server for OS/2 Warp, Versions 4.0 and 4.1 

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