File index of Micronet Miscellaneous Files (send/receive) page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 01-11-2018 584 Kb. 35
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 11/18 = 
12 01-12-2018 586 Kb. 31
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 12/18 = 
13 01-05-2019 661 Kb. 55
Telnet BBS Guide Listing archive for May 2019 
14 01-06-2019 1295 Kb. 23
Telnet BBS Guide Listing archive for June 2019 
15 01-07-2019 664 Kb. 38
Telnet BBS Guide Listing archive for July 2019 
16 01-08-2019 1298 Kb. 47
Telnet BBS Guide Listing archive for August 2019 
17 msw55.arj 03-08-2019 3420 Kb. 192
Microsoft Word 5.5 for DOS and OS/2: this
version of Word was made freeware by
Microsoft.  It is a 16-bit executable for
DOS and OS/2 (OS/2 1.0 exe).  Repackaged
for BBS distribution by Sean Dennis, sysop
of Outpost BBS.  Please see instructions
on how to install. 
18 07-03-2025 9 Kb. 37
Latest Twitlist 
19 tmo154.arj 17-02-2020 21 Kb. 238
The Magic Oracle v15.4 by Sean Dennis
You've got questions, the Magic Oracle's
got answers.  A fun freeware door for any
BBS that can support 16-bit DOS doors and
a FOSSIL driver. Another Cheepware
production!  FREQ CHEEP from 1:18/200
or 618:618/1 or visit
for more Cheepware. 
20 dspt22.arj 17-02-2020 18 Kb. 163
Dr. Seuss Purity Test v2.2 by Sean Dennis.
A fun freeware adult-oriented "purity test"
for your BBS. 21+ only.  Runs on any BBS that
supports DOS doors and a FOSSIL driver.
Another Cheepware production. FREQ CHEEP from
618:618/1 or 1:18/200 or visit for more Cheepware
doors and utilities. 

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