File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc. page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 23-07-2017 70 Kb. 39
            Mys Tic File Announce
                  Ver 1.1g
             DOS/Windows Version
Simple program to generate new file reports
      based on the incoming TIC files
   Simply copy TIC files into a seperate
  announcement directory, and let mtafile
  do its work. It takes two command line
  parameters: location of directory where
 TIC files are located, and name of your BBS
              RCS CRBBS(2017)
32 21-12-2017 4 Kb. 34
New Files Bulletin v1.0
Show your users the latest files that
have been uploaded to your Mystic BBS.
Sysop Configurable.
MPL Source Code Included.
Brought to you by:
Gryphon of Cyberia 2016 
33 12-07-2016 4 Kb. 64
dP.  .dP .d8888b. d8888P 88d888b.
 `8bd8'  88'  `88   88   88'  `88
 .d88b.  88.  .88   88   88
dP'  `dP `8888P88   dP   dP
Mystic Tetris for Mystic BBS (1.10+)
.oO) Features (Oo.
..Original code + credits to TrSek
..Ansi copied and altered from Blocktronicks
..Uses code from the Mystic BBS Blackjack game
..All credits to the authors + original creators 
34 03-07-2016 770 Kb. 40
Mystic BBS Spell Checker Files: V2.  Contains an
archive with documentation and files needed to
enable spell checking and word suggestion in
the Mystic BBS full screen message editor. 
35 09-01-2019 9 Kb. 50
    FsxNet Info Package Updater
    Read the latest news for the
     network and keep your BBS
    updated with the latest fsxNet
     Info Package.
           Release 01/2019 
36 22-07-2016 3151 Kb. 27
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
TheDraw Fonts Gallery and Set, for Mystic BBS
A large set of TheDraw fonts ready for your
users to download, from a cool gallery. You
can preview the fonts and download any of
them. Compatible with Mystic BBS 1.12
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
37 20-03-2018 6 Kb. 59
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
        Mystic File Listing Creator [MPL]
A script to create nice file listings for your
BBS. Multiple styles to choose from, add your
own Header/Footer at the list and select if the
user will download the list, view it online, or
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
38 23-06-2018 111 Kb. 51
            Mys Tic File Announce
            Windows/32 Version
                24 Jun 2018
Simple program to generate new file reports
  based on the incoming TIC files. Simply
copy TIC files into a seperate announcement
  directory, and let mtafile do its work
Major changes in this version - Please read
 the mtafile.txt file for more information
             RCS CRBBS(2017-18)
39 09-07-2018 289 Kb. 59
            Mys Tic File Announce
             Linux/32 Version
                10 Jul 2018
Simple program to generate new file reports
  based on the incoming TIC files. Simply
copy TIC files into a seperate announcement
  directory, and let mtafile do its work
Major changes in this version - Please read
 the mtafile.txt file for more information
             RCS CRBBS(2017-18)
40 09-07-2018 327 Kb. 36
            Mys Tic File Announce
             Linux/64 Version
                10 Jul 2018
Simple program to generate new file reports
  based on the incoming TIC files. Simply
copy TIC files into a seperate announcement
  directory, and let mtafile do its work
Major changes in this version - Please read
 the mtafile.txt file for more information
             RCS CRBBS(2017-18)

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