File index of fsxNet Mystic BBS Utils, Mods etc.

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1 05-02-2018 85 Kb. 54
[1;32m3[0m [1;32m  [0m [1;32m [36mWIKI DOOR FOR 
[1;32m3[0m[10C[1;32m [30mversion 0.4[0m[13C[1;32
[1;32m3[0;32;40m [1mWiki Door for Mystic BBS on 
[1;32m3 Provide search capability to ask[0m  [1;
[1;32m3    [0m [1;32mWikipedia to return a page[
[1;32m3   [0m[8C[1;32mLast Edited:[0m[12C[1;32m3
[1;32m3[0m[8C[1;36m [32mShinobi mmxviii[0m[9C[1;
[1;32m3[0m[35C[1;32m3 [0m
2 02-02-2018 5 Kb. 55
:     InterBBS OneLiner (IBOL) v0.03      :
 Every Mystic BBS has a oneliner feature.
 But those are only seen on the local BBS.
 Now, with InterBBS OneLiner, you can have
 a OneLiner that spans all the BBSes on
 your message network.  Use a Data message
 base on your FTN or QWK message network
 to send/receive InterBBS OneLiner wall
 Requires Mystic BBS 1.12a37 or later and
 networked message base.
:   A Cyberia BBS Production - 02/2018    :
3 02-02-2018 11 Kb. 28
       Double-Up! v2.1 for Mystic BBS
 Double-Up! is a Mystic MPL version of the
         popular puzzle game, 2048.
               Bugfix update
 On the 4x4 grid,  slide the numbered tiles
 left, right, up or down.    When the tiles
 of the same value collide, they Double-Up!
 into  one  single tile with the new value.
      !!!! First InterBBS version !!!!
     Double-Up! is now InterBBS capable!
       Compete with other players on
       other BBSes for the top score.
   Requires Mystic BBS v1.12a38 or later.
    A Cyberia BBS production (2014-2018)
4 02-02-2018 16 Kb. 29
NETAPPLY +-v1.0 B9----+___+----- Feb 02, 2018
               __     /  /              __
____(\_________)/____/  /_____(\_____ __)/__
\_   _    _  (/   /\   _____   _    //  _  /_
 /   /\__//   \__/_/   /___/   /\__//  (/___/
/___/     \_      _____    \__/    /____\
           /_____/     \____\  gRK     ___
FTN NETWORK        __          __     /  /
APPLICATION     ___)/__________)/____/  /__
FOR  MYSTIC     \_   _   __  (/   /\   ___/
BBS SYSTEMS      /  (/   \/   \__/_/   /___
 1.12 A31+      /___/    /\_      _____    \
                   /____/  /_____/     \____\
------------+ Telnet:// 
5 videopokerx2_DI.ZIP 04-02-2018 766 Kb. 46
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
           VideoPoker X - DOOR Game
  Remember Poker Ladies from the Arcades? Well
this is a similar Poker game with ANSI art
containing nudity... oh yeah!!! :)
  Three different game mods and lots of ANSI to
see. If you love Poker you will like this game.
  Now also supports InterBBS score posting. You
can compete with players from other BBSes and
see whos best in Poker.
  Compatible with Linux, RPi,
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
6 17-02-2018 2 Kb. 64
[1;32m3[0m [1;32m  [0m [1;32m PHYS ORG FOR MYSTI
[1;32m3[0m[10C[1;32m [34mversion 0.1[0m[13C[1;32
[1;32m3[0;32;40m [1mPhysics Organ Mystic BBS on 
[1;32m3 provides capability to read full[0m  [1;
[1;32m3[0m[7C[1;32marticles for scientists [0m  
[1;32m3   [0m[8C[1;32mLast Edited:[0m[12C[1;32m3
[1;32m3[0m[8C[1;36m [0m[5C[1;32mShinobi   [0m[9C
[1;32m3[0m[35C[1;32m3 [0m
7 18-02-2018 2 Kb. 28
[1;32m3[0m [1;32m  [0m [1;32m SEEKING A[36m [32m
[1;32m3[0m[10C[1;32m [34mversion 0.1[0m[13C[1;32
[1;32m3[0;32;40m [1mSeeking Alpha Mystic BBS on 
[1;32m3 provides capability to read full[0m  [1;
[1;32m3[0m[7C[1;32marticles for investors  [0m  
[1;32m3   [0m[8C[1;32mLast Edited:[0m[12C[1;32m3
[1;32m3[0m[8C[1;36m [0m[5C[1;32mShinobi   [0m[9C
[1;32m3[0m[35C[1;32m3 [0m
8 19-02-2018 773 Kb. 48
        ___  __________/  |________
        \  \/  / ____/\   __\_  __ \
         >    < <_|  | |  |  |  | \/
        /__/\_ \__   | |__|  |__|
              \/  |__|
          Markup2ANSI Converter DOOR
  Convert any markup language file to ANSI art
files and navigate through them. Currently
supports the DOKUWIKI format but can be
customized to match any other markup language.
  You can let the users to navigate the local
links and even download the files through ZMODEM
As an example, inside the package is a small
version of the FSXNET Wiki.
                            .oO0( xqtr )0Oo. 
9 20-02-2018 1266 Kb. 66
[1;32m3[0m [1;32m  [0m [1;32m HOLY BIBLE FOR MYS
[1;32m3[0m[10C[1;32m [34mversion 0.1[0m[13C[1;32
[1;32m3[0;32;40m [1mHoly Bible now comes to Your
[1;32m3 as a Door. You can read a short[0m   [1;
[1;32m3[0m [1;32mpart each day. And save progres
[1;32m3   [0m[8C[1;32mLast Edited:[0m[12C[1;32m3
[1;32m3[0m[8C[1;36m [0m[5C[1;32mShinobi   [0m[9C
[1;32m3[0m[35C[1;32m3 [0m
10 22-07-2016 9 Kb. 31
Bbs List Admin Manager is a Mystic BBS MPL.
BLAM is a full-featured BBS List app for
Mystic 1.12a29 or greater. Drop-in Replace-
ment BBS List app. Full-Screen, Light-Bar
Driven. Not only can you Add and Verify
entries, but now the owner (or sysop) can
Edit or Delete an entry. Sysop Configurable.
Sysop can choose the style and colors of the
display. Use BLAM to telnet to other BBSes!
 Darryl Perry, telnet:// 

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