File index of FW: OS/2 communications, terminal emulators page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 30-06-2018 4532 Kb. 53
links-2.16-wpi.wpi for OS/2 
12 28-11-2018 1257 Kb. 34
Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for OS/2. Source 
13 28-11-2018 755 Kb. 61
WebServe: a lightweight web server
for OS/2. 
14 28-11-2018 718 Kb. 23
Weasel: a POP3 and SMTP daemon for
OS/2.  Includes controls on who may
send relay mail, and includes a way
of blocking mail from specified hosts. 

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