File index of FW: OS/2 miscellaneous applications page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 06-02-2017 2292 Kb. 28
xwp-1-0-11-lite-en.exe. XWorkplace-lite
1.0.11 - English version 
12 06-02-2017 2684 Kb. 28
xwp-1-0-11-full-de.exe XWorkplace 1.0.11
German version 
13 06-02-2017 2405 Kb. 20
xwp-1-0-11-lite-de.exe XWorkplace-lite
1.0.11 - German version 
14 06-02-2017 2621 Kb. 29
xwp-1-0-11-full-nl.exe XWorkplace 1.0.11 -
Dutch version 
15 06-02-2017 2344 Kb. 20
xwp-1-0-11-lite-nl.exe XWorkplace-lite
1.0.11 - Dutch version 
16 07-02-2017 112 Kb. 20
ExifTool: Rename Pics based on EXIF info. Show
EXIF information from TIFF or JPEG images, store
them into extended attributes and rename the
files using the EXIF timestamp.  The EXIF
information is stored in the .COMMENTS
attribute, which is accessable via the PMSHELL
by the file properties dialog.  Exiftool
supports all tags of EXIF version 2.2 except for
the GPS information. 
17 18-02-2017 45 Kb. 47
UniView, open OS/2 and Windows help files with
one program. uniview_02_1 
18 17-03-2017 30 Kb. 36
console_calculator_1_0-vac-os2. Console
calculator v 1.0, yet another simple command
line calculator 
19 20-03-2017 721 Kb. 48
aacgain-1.9-os2.  Utility to adjust volume
of mp3 and aac files. 
20 28-04-2017 342 Kb. 28
THE v3.1 documentation (HTML) 

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