File index of FidoNet EchoLists page 2

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
11 17-07-2020 76 Kb. 38
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
12 24-07-2020 76 Kb. 50
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
13 31-07-2020 76 Kb. 26
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
14 07-08-2020 76 Kb. 52
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
15 14-08-2020 76 Kb. 37
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
16 21-08-2020 76 Kb. 21
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
17 28-08-2020 76 Kb. 52
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly  or
ELyymmww.ZIP the weekly Echolist archive,
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip) monthly or
(ERyymmww.Zip) weekly.
Weekly archives are issued until system has
FIDONet EList v5.1 is (c) 2019-2020
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files direct to
the above address. 
18 03-07-2021 89 Kb. 54
This is ELSTyymm.ZIP the monthly Echolist
archive for the Fidonet network.
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip).
If other nets are present then files
{othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are also present.
FIDONet EList v5.2 is (c) 2019-2021
 by Vincent B Coen 2:25/21 or 2:250/1
  Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
one of the above addresses and these must be
done every six months or sooner. 
19 19-09-2022 141 Kb. 13
Zip'd echo lists archive created Monthly
it includes complete information of all
Echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERULyymm.Zip). BACKBONE.NA & .RPT
is now included. If other nets are present,
then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA & .NO are
also present. FIDONet EList v5.3 is
(c) 2019-2022 by Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 &
2:25/21. Email: vbcoen(at)
Submit all *.ECO and *.RUL files DIRECT to
2:25/21  and these must be done every twelve
months or sooner. 
20 20-09-2022 142 Kb. 15
This is ELyymmdd.ZIP the On Demand
Echolist archive for the Fidonet network.
It includes complete information of all mod'd
echo areas (ELIST.RPT), a full summary of
echo tags (ELIST.NA) and all deleted echos
if any, in (ELIST.NO) plus all current .RUL
files in (ERyymmdd.ZIP).
BACKBONE.NA & .RPT is included. If other nets
are present, then files {othernet}.RPT, .NA
and .NO (if needed) are also present.
FIDONet EList v5.4 is (c) 2019-2022 by
Vincent B Coen 2:250/1 & 2:25/21.
Email: vbcoen(at) Submit all *.ECO,
*.RUL *.DES files DIRECT to 2:25/21 and these
must be done every TWELVE months or sooner. 

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