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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
1 30-11-2016 175 Kb. 35
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- DOS 16-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
2 30-11-2016 189 Kb. 59
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- DOS 32-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.  Requires DOS4GW.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
3 01-12-2016 477 Kb. 24
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- Linux 32-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.  Statically linked.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
4 30-11-2016 165 Kb. 49
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- OS/2 16-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
5 30-11-2016 169 Kb. 49
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- OS/2 32-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
6 30-11-2016 211 Kb. 34
MakeNL 3.4.6 Source Code 
7 30-11-2016 179 Kb. 65
MakeNL v3.4.6 -- Windows 32-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.4.6 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
8 06-05-2019 116 Kb. 33
MakeNL v3.5.0 -- DOS 16-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.5.0 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
9 06-05-2019 130 Kb. 31
MakeNL v3.5.0 -- DOS 32-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.5.0 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.  Requires DOS4GW.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.
10 06-05-2019 106 Kb. 62
MakeNL v3.5.0 -- OS/2 16-bit release
version. MakeNL 3.5.0 is a near drop-in
replacement for an existing installation
of MakeNL.
** Dedicated to Ben Baker, the original
MakeNL author.

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