File index of ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both) page 9

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81 01-04-2023 1396 Kb. 10
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 04/23 =
       = April 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US / Canada
Dial - Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
82 05-05-2023 1432 Kb. 11
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 05/23 =
       = May 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
83 04-06-2023 1401 Kb. 12
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 06/23 =
       = June 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
84 02-07-2023 1398 Kb. 9
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 07/23 =
       = July 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
85 02-08-2023 1404 Kb. 10
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 08/23 =
       = August 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
86 02-09-2023 1382 Kb. 9
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 09/23 =
      = September 2023 Edition =
Now on our 26th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
87 08-10-2023 1404 Kb. 10
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 10/23 =
        = October 2023 Edition =
Now on our 27th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with over
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
88 04-11-2023 1402 Kb. 9
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 11/23 =
       = November 2023 Edition =
Now in our 27th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) One of
the largest listings of BBSes that
focuses on just BBS systems with nearly
1000 listings! Also includes US/Canada
Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner Freeware
Telnet Client included. Maintained
by The BBS Corner at: 
89 03-12-2023 1427 Kb. 9
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 12/23 =
       = December 2023 Edition =
Now in our 27th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) The
largest listing of just BBS systems!
Nearly 1000 listings! Also includes
US/Canada Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner
Freeware Telnet Client included.
Maintained by The BBS Corner at: 
90 05-01-2024 1435 Kb. 6
= The Telnet & Dial-Up BBS Guide - 01/24 =
       = January 2024 Edition =
Now in our 28th year of serving you!
The Telnet BBS Guide is maintained
each and every month by a BBS Sysop
with over 30 years experience! (and over
44 years of computer experience!) The
largest listing of just BBS systems!
Nearly 1000 listings! Also includes
US/Canada Dial-Up BBS list. NetRunner
Freeware Telnet Client included.
Maintained by The BBS Corner at: 

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