File index of AGN: AgoraNet NodeLists page 7

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
61 agoranet.z65 23-09-2023 10 Kb. 162
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
62 agoranet.z72 30-09-2023 10 Kb. 116
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
63 agoranet.z79 07-10-2023 10 Kb. 154
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
64 agoranet.z86 14-10-2023 10 Kb. 173
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
65 agoranet.z93 21-10-2023 10 Kb. 112
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
66 agoranet.z00 28-10-2023 10 Kb. 105
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
67 agoranet.z07 04-11-2023 10 Kb. 165
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
68 agoranet.z14 11-11-2023 10 Kb. 111
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
69 agoranet.z21 18-11-2023 10 Kb. 141
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 
70 agoranet.z28 25-11-2023 10 Kb. 118
Weekly nodelist for the Agoranet FTN network 

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