File index of AGN: AgoraNet NodeDiffs page 10

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
91 agn_diff.z90 01-04-2023 0 Kb. 159
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
92 agn_diff.z91 02-04-2022 0 Kb. 139
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
93 agn_diff.z92 19-10-2024 0 Kb. 170
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
94 agn_diff.z93 21-10-2023 0 Kb. 87
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
95 agn_diff.z94 13-07-2024 0 Kb. 148
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
96 agn_diff.z95 15-07-2023 0 Kb. 115
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
97 agn_diff.z96 06-04-2024 0 Kb. 181
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
98 agn_diff.z97 08-04-2023 0 Kb. 174
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
99 agn_diff.z98 09-04-2022 0 Kb. 83
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
100 agn_diff.z99 26-10-2024 0 Kb. 140
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 

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