File index of AGN: AgoraNet NodeDiffs page 8

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
71 agn_diff.z70 12-03-2022 0 Kb. 120
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
72 agn_diff.z71 28-09-2024 0 Kb. 170
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
73 agn_diff.z72 30-09-2023 0 Kb. 125
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
74 agn_diff.z73 22-06-2024 0 Kb. 161
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
75 agn_diff.z74 24-06-2023 0 Kb. 182
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
76 agn_diff.z75 16-03-2024 0 Kb. 134
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
77 agn_diff.z76 18-03-2023 0 Kb. 112
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
78 agn_diff.z77 19-03-2022 0 Kb. 86
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
79 agn_diff.z78 05-10-2024 0 Kb. 167
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
80 agn_diff.z79 07-10-2023 0 Kb. 93
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 

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