File index of AGN: AgoraNet NodeDiffs page 6

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
51 agn_diff.z50 07-09-2024 0 Kb. 116
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
52 agn_diff.z51 09-09-2023 0 Kb. 159
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
53 agn_diff.z52 01-06-2024 0 Kb. 96
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
54 agn_diff.z53 03-06-2023 0 Kb. 157
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
55 agn_diff.z54 24-02-2024 0 Kb. 111
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
56 agn_diff.z55 21-12-2024 0 Kb. 158
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
57 agn_diff.z56 23-12-2023 0 Kb. 164
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
58 agn_diff.z57 14-09-2024 0 Kb. 143
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
59 agn_diff.z58 16-09-2023 0 Kb. 161
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
60 agn_diff.z59 08-06-2024 0 Kb. 137
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 

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