File index of AGN: AgoraNet NodeDiffs page 4

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Nr. Filename Date Size Downloads Description
31 agn_diff.z30 19-08-2023 0 Kb. 207
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
32 agn_diff.z31 11-05-2024 0 Kb. 205
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
33 agn_diff.z32 13-05-2023 0 Kb. 130
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
34 agn_diff.z33 03-02-2024 0 Kb. 137
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
35 agn_diff.z34 30-11-2024 0 Kb. 197
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
36 agn_diff.z35 02-12-2023 0 Kb. 181
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
37 agn_diff.z36 24-08-2024 0 Kb. 141
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
38 agn_diff.z37 26-08-2023 0 Kb. 124
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
39 agn_diff.z38 18-05-2024 0 Kb. 197
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 
40 agn_diff.z39 20-05-2023 0 Kb. 211
Weekly nodelist difference file for the Agoranet
FTN network 

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